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24 August 2021, 17:54

Bashkiria athletes won medals of World Draughts-64 Championship

Athletes from Bashkiria as part of the Russian national team became bronze medalists of the World Championship in draughts on a 64-square board. The blitz medals went to Elena Milshina, Aigul Idrisova, and Tamara Tansykkuzhina. Note that the participants in the competition in Cappadocia specialize in the 100-square board. Women also took fourth place in the Rapid category.
The victories of Alexander Georgiev and Murodullo Amrillaev, who successfully play in both types of draughts, brought the Russian team a gold award in blitz and bronze in rapid.
Russian teams won gold medals in three of the four categories. Seventeen teams from six countries attended the championship.
Note that the 10-time world champion in draughts-100, Alexander Georgiev, a few days ago in Turkey, became the second in the European championship in draughts-64.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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