news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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19 March , 10:22

Rain and sleet forecast for Bashkiria

Rain, sleet, and gusty winds are forecast for Bashkiria in the next three days. According to weather forecasters, light precipitation in rain and sleet is expected on Tuesday, March 18. There is ice in places, wet snow sticking to wires and trees, icy conditions on some sections of roads, and packed snow. There is a moderate west, southwest wind. The air temperature is +1, +6°, up to +11° in the south.
On Wednesday, March 19, light precipitation in rain and sleet is forecast, moderate in places, icy conditions in some areas, packed snow on the roads, and snowy conditions. Moderate, gusty wind from the northern quarter. Air temperature at night is -4, -9°, -2, +3° in the south, and +2, +7° during the day.
On Thursday, March 20, there will be light wet snow in places. The wind from the western quarter is moderate, gusty in places. Air temperature at night -1, -6°, in clearings -7, -12°, in the daytime 0, +5°.

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