The head of the federal Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, announced the start of the flu vaccination campaign at the Eastern Economic Forum 2024. She noted that the flu vaccine has already been delivered to the regions. It is planned to vaccinate up to 60% of the Russian Federation's total population and at least 75% of those at risk. One component for the influenza A H3N2 variant has been replaced this year. The antigens of the influenza A (H1N1) and influenza B viruses have remained the same.
"Influenza prevention and vaccination are fundamentally important. The economic damage from influenza in 2023 amounted to more than 9 billion rubles for our country. The "economic damage" indicator includes direct costs of counteracting the spread of infection, treatment, costs due to temporary disability of citizens, and much more," the head of the supervisory agency emphasized.
Author: Laysan Zakirova