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10 June , 19:44

Promising direction for grant support has been identified in Bashkiria

The General Director of the Grant Fund of the Head of Bashkortostan, Lucia Saifullina, said that one of the most pressing topics for grants today is youth policy.

“For the first time, on the initiative of Radiy Khabirov, we have a separate area of ​​support for fellow countrymen studying at Russian universities—they can apply for a grant of up to 2 million rubles with their projects. You can also apply for a mini-grant competition. Their total budget is 25 million rubles—each project can qualify for up to 500 thousand rubles. This is relevant for startups,” explained Lucia Sayfullina.

According to Elina Gataullina, head of the apparatus of the Public Chamber, Bashkiria is a unique region in terms of the level of development of grant support.

“Colleagues from other regions of the country note that the republic is very lucky: we have our own Grant Fund of the Head of Bashkiria, there are separate areas of public support for public initiatives, and so on,” said the guest of the live broadcast.

Earlier, the republic launched the “Happiness is Together” project about the good deeds of people with disabilities.

Author: Ivan Vavilov

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