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14 January 2022, 14:41

Bashkortostan will host annual VIII Week of Remembrance of Holocaust Victims

Memorial and educational events dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust and the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp by the Red Army will be held from January 17 to 31.

January 20 at the National Library of the Republic of Bashkortostan is planning a memorial talk-requiem dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust. The event of an educational, civil-patriotic nature is designed for a broad audience.

From January 24 to 27, the Republican Museum of Military Glory will hold a Holocaust film lecture for high school students with additional information about the heroes of the uprising in the Buchenwald concentration camp.

On January 26, in the House of Friendship RB conference hall, a round table will be held with the national cultural centers of the republic, dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust. An online quiz "Holocaust" will be opened. The quiz will be posted on January 17 on the Vkontakte social network with the hashtags: #Holocaust Quiz#HolocaustRemembrance Day2022#DDNRB.

On January 27, the State Academic Russian Drama Theater RB will host a performance of the play "Anne Frank" based on the work of Asya Voloshina. Director Anna Sokolova staged fragments of the interrupted diary in two acts.

On January 27, a memorial concert "The Holocaust Memory Candle" will take place on the stage of the GKZ Bashkortostan with the support of a grant from the Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. For the first time in the Republic of Bashkortostan, statuettes "Butterfly of Memory" will be awarded to teachers who have made a significant contribution to preserving the memory of the Holocaust among schoolchildren and students.

Translated by:Tatyana Aksyutina
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