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27 October 2021, 10:26

Open excursion with architects will be held in Ufa Inors

Plans for the improvement of the territory will be shared with residents.

An open excursion with the architects-authors of the project to develop public space in the Ufa neighborhood Inors will take place on October 30.

The authors plan to bypass the territory near Lake Teploe and along Balandin Boulevard, where landscaping works will take place in 2022. The architectural concept of landscaping near Lake Teploe and along Balandin Boulevard was developed within the framework of the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" at the initiative of the Ufa mayor's office by the architectural bureau "Project Group 8" with the support of the Institute for Urban Development of Bashkortostan. The developers expect to form a unified system of public spaces and elicit the potential of the natural recreational area near Lake Teploe. The project was created based on a study of the opinions of Inors residents and the results of two meetings in June 2020 and August 2021.

On October 28, at an online meeting, residents of Inors will be presented with the architectural concept of the project, which has been finalized based on the results of previous meetings and discussions with residents of the area and experts. The tour will take place on October 30 at 13:00.

Author: Rozalia Valeeva

Author:Tatyana Aksyutina
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