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26 October 2021, 19:25

Vaccination of people with limited mobility began in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, they began to vaccinate people with limited mobility, according to the Republican Center for Social Services of the Population.

The lists of people with limited mobility were compiled in advance.

This list also included those who, for whatever reason, could not get vaccinated or revaccinated. Therefore, they called the hotline of the Coordination Center under the Republican Center for Social Services to the population at 8 800-775-00-14 and asked to be vaccinated.

"Today, a team of health care workers vaccinated 27 citizens. This is not a one-time event, " the director of Izgelek Tagzima Gabdulvaleeva said. "The medical staff of the polyclinic is ready to go to households every day. The main thing is that we need to make a list along a certain route, that is, at the request of those who wish."

Author: Galina Bakhshieva

Author:Tatyana Aksyutina
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