60 thousand tourists visited Bashkiria during Folkloriada
During the days of the World Folkloriada, about 60 thousand tourists visited Bashkiria, the press service of the State Committee for Tourism RB said.
So, last year, the tourist flow to Bashkiria amounted to 2 million people in the summer months.
According to experts' forecasts, this and next year, thanks to the all-Russian and international events, the number of tourists coming to the republic in summer will increase by at least 25-30 percent.
The VI World Folkloriada CIOFF was held in the republic from July 3 to 10. It was attended by representatives of 37 countries or more than 1.1 thousand people.
"Holding the Folkloriada is an excellent image story for tourism in Bashkiria," the head of the State Committee for Tourism Elmira Tukanova emphasized. "More than a million people from all over the world learned about us at the same time. Undoubtedly, this has drawn attention to the hospitality industry of the republic. The festival focused on our rich cultural component, ethnographic tourism, which is gaining popularity among travelers, and we undoubtedly have something to show our guests."
According to information received by the department from the region's municipalities and Ufa hotels, almost 58 thousand tourists visited Bashkiria from July 1 to July 12. Tour operators of the republic noted that these days there were more nonresident tourists in tourist groups. They enjoyed visiting the natural locations of Bashkiria.
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