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15 April 2021, 13:28

Two girls from Bashkiria hit Top-12 most beautiful students in Russia

Two representatives of Bashkir universities were among the 12 super-finalists of the "Beauty of the Students of Russia" contest. Anastasia Prolomova (Ufa State Aviation Technical University) and Nuria Bakirova (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University) will take part in the gala show, which is scheduled for April 15.
In the final challenge, the beauties had a photo stage, a spelling dictation prepared according to the standards of "Total Dictation", a literature test for knowledge of the works of Russian and foreign classics, self-presentation, and the final defile.
The live broadcast of the final gala show will be available in the official account of the Program for the Support and Development of Student Creativity "Russian Student Spring" on "VKontakte".
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