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7 April 2021, 13:43

1109 schools will have modern computer classes in Bashkiria by 2023

In 2021, 316 remaining schools in Bashkortostan will be connected to high-speed Internet with a data transfer rate for educational organizations in urban settlements of 100 Mbit/s; in rural settlements and urban-type settlements - 50 Mbit/s.
“In January last year, our President announced the “Accessible Internet” project, delivering his Address to the Federal Assembly. We picked up the project and decided to connect all schools to the Internet, and by 2023, 1109 schools will be equipped with modern computer labs. Life has changed so much that there is no way without the Internet. Courses, seminars, workshops, and - also lessons are conducted during the pandemic. The time has come for digital transformation; it dictates its own terms. In just 2 years, we have connected 640 schools to the Internet, ” the Head of the Republic, Radiy Khabirov, posted on social media.
He also recalled that Bashkortostan ranked fourth in Russia in terms of the number of schools, in total 1873 of them.
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