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11 March 2021, 12:37

Volunteers feed truckers with hot meals on highways in Bashkiria

Nasty weather is observed again on the highways in Bashkiria. Heavy snowstorms and snowdrifts complicate the path of heavy vehicles. Volunteers of the volunteer center "Nasha Zabota" drove from Mezhgorye to Inzer and distributed 23 hot meals to truckers. Until the evening of March 10, activists plan to distribute 14 more kits.
“Many people who have received assistance are drivers from other regions and even other countries, who are for the first time in our mountainous area. They preferred to drive further in the snow. The drivers were surprised and said that such pleasant help was provided for them the first time in many years of work, ” Ruslan Latypov, executive secretary of the local branch of United Russia in the city of Mezhgorye said.
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