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3 February 2021, 15:40

Five liver and kidney transplants were performed in Kuvatov Republican Clinical Hospital year to date

Since the beginning of the year, five liver and kidney transplants were conducted in the organ transplantation and donation department at the Kuvatov Republican Clinical Hospital. “In January alone, we transplanted one liver and four kidneys. The operations duration is different, from 2 to 5 hours - kidney, liver - from 4 to 8 hours. This is a teamwork of surgeons and anesthesiologists-resuscitators, operating nurses,” it is reported on the official page of the medical institution on Instagram.
The doctors said that the most demanded organ today is the kidney. Besides - the heart, but if it fails, transplantation is needed as soon as possible. The Republican Cardiology Center specializes in this area.
“It is gratifying that organ transplantation, once rightfully classified as one of the most difficult transplant surgeries over the past two decades, is becoming a routine procedure in many Russian centers, and the Kuvatov Hospital has become professional in this matter in our region,” the hospital informs.
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