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6 October 2020, 13:43

Bashkortostan became leader of World Cleanup Day campaign

Bashkortostan became the leader in Russia in terms of the number of participants and cleanups of the World Cleanup Day campaign. The large-scale ecological event "Let's do it!" was organized in 70 regions of the country on September 19.
In our republic, over 75 thousand people joined the cleaning campaigns. The team of Bashkortostan included the top officials of the republic, employees of departments, municipalities, enterprises, public organizations, and volunteers, the Ministry of Ecology RB reports. By joint efforts, about 4 thousand cubic meters of garbage were collected at 800 sites in the region and transported to landfills.
A total of 114 thousand participants in 61 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the events of the World Cleanup Day. Together, community organizations, youth teams, municipalities, regional garbage operators, processors, business representatives, and local activists organized over 1,700 cleanup events.
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