news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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21 April 2020, 16:29

COVID-19 cases increased to 371 in Bashkiria

The number of Bashkiria residents who became infected with COVID-19 increased to 371, the federal operational headquarters report. For a day, the new coronavirus diagnosis was confirmed in another 22 people. At the same time, the number of recovered people has not changed - 20. According to the press service of the republican Ministry of Health, 12 patients are preparing for discharge in the near future. Repeated negative tests are expected. The number of dead people is still 14.
In Russia, over the past 24 hours, 5,642 people were infected with the new coronavirus, 427 recovered, and 51 people died.
In general, 52 763 cases (+ 12.0%) of coronavirus infection in 85 regions were registered in Russia, 3,873 were discharged from hospitals after recovery throughout the entire period.
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