news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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27 December 2019, 14:48

Activation of atmospheric processes is expected in Bashkiria on New Year's Eve – Bashkir Met Office

UFA, 27 December 2019. /Bashinform News Agency/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/.
According to weather forecasts, on the day of December 31 and New Year's Eve, the territory of Bashkiria will be covered by the northern cyclone.
“Atmospheric processes are expected to intensify - snow of varying intensity, occasional with increased winds of up to 18 m/s, snowdrifts and snowfalls will form in separate parts of roads. In the warm sector of this cyclone, it will be quite warm on New Year's Eve – with lows of -2, -8 C, and on the first day of the New Year - 0, -2 C”, the Bashkir Met Office gave an updated forecast.
It is also reported that from December 26, 2019, to January 4, 2020, average daily air temperatures are expected to be 3-4 C above average values.
In Ufa, during the New Year holidays, for the second time, the large-scale New Year festival “Terra Zima” will be held. Events will take place at venues near the Gostiny Dvor (December 31 - January 3) and in the Kashkadan Park (January 4-5). Shows such as a concert by Alvin Gray, a performance by strongman Elbrus Nigmatullin, the dog show Smile Dog, a parade of Snow Maidens, entertainment from Children's Radio, and others are scheduled. A detailed program can be found on the festival website.
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