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6 September 2019, 20:49

Ufa cyclist who reached Alps called Bashkiria ideal for cycling

UFA, 6 September 2019. /Bashinform News Agency/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/.
A bicycle traveler Anton Sazonov, who left Ufa on June 12, reached the Alps. Now he is in Switzerland at the San Gotthard Pass. In just three months, the traveler covered more than 4,400 km through seven countries completely on a bicycle.
In his opinion, local roads in Europe and Russia are not very different. At the same time, the traveler notes the high culture of drivers in Europe.
Anton Sazonov compares Bashkiria with Europe and concludes that the republic is "ideal for the development of cycling": "All our attractions are not located in Ufa, but dispersed throughout the republic. It would be tempting to connect them with cycling routes on regional and local roads”.
Anton Sazonov went on a cycling expedition to implement his project “Children of the World” - to combine a cycling trip around the world with a mission to deliver letters from Russian schoolchildren to schools throughout the world.
The traveler’s luggage contains letters from schoolchildren from Ufa, Sterlitamak, Samara, Saratov, and Izhevsk.
The letters should demonstrate the openness of Russian children and the equality of universal values. Children wrote about the places where they live, about Bashkiria, about Russia and its regions.
In 2019, the expedition passes through 11 countries. Total it is planned to overcome 6000 kilometers completely by bicycle and finish it in Portugal at Cape Roca in October. Thus, the whole of Europe will be crossed from east to west.
The project is being implemented under the auspices of UNESCO with the support of the Bashkir branch of the Russian Geographical Society, funded by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. Traveling to Europe is the second stage of the expedition, the first passed in 2018 through Central and Southeast Asia and finished on the island of Bali.
We remind that in August 2019 it became known that the Europe-Asia bicycle trail development project won the grant competition of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The amount of the grant amounted to 773.5 thousand rubles. The trail runs from west to east of Bashkiria through the settlements of Abdulino, Aksakovo, Davlekanovo, Ufa, Asha, Kropachevo, Berdyaush, Miass. In 2019, 686 km of the trail are available for travelers in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region.
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