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15 May 2018, 13:19

Rustem Khamitov outlined republican tasks in ecology sphere regarding presidential decree implementation

UFA, 15 May 2018. /Bashinform News Agency/. Yesterday at a meeting dedicated to the implementation of the new May presidential decree "On national goals and strategic tasks for the Russian Federation development until 2024", the head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov outlined the republic’s tasks in the field of ecology.
He reminded that according to the Decree the harmful emissions volume to the atmosphere in the most polluted cities of Russia, including in a number of Bashkortostan cities, should decrease by minimum 20 percent by 2024. It is necessary to environmentally improve the Volga river basin, to preserve the water system of Lake Baikal. By 2024, it was entrusted to liquidate all unauthorized landfills within the cities in the country.
“Important tasks in this area for our republic are to reduce the overall burden on the environment, especially, as I have already said, in cities with developed industry, to introduce modern complexes for the solid domestic waste processing, treatment facilities at industrial enterprises, to reduce harmful emissions, to convert transport to gas engine fuel. In this regard, we should examine a gas-fuel conversion program in accordance with Gazprom Corporation proposals", stressed Rustem Khamitov. “More attention should be paid to the implementation of integrated environmental protection programs, environmental education programs, the creation of "green belts" around cities, conservation of existing natural monuments, protected areas, development of ecological tourism.”
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