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4 August 2017, 15:54

Konstantin Tolkachev: "It is long-felt need of law on anonymizers"

UFA, 4 August 2017. /Bashinform News Agency, Alim Faizov/. The Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", the so-called law on anonymizers, which prohibits the use of technology to circumvent the blocking of websites with banned information. The bill also prohibits search engines from showing in Russia links to blocked resources.
"The bill was submitted to the State Duma in June, promptly reviewed and adopted in three readings. Such legislative act is of long-felt need, commented on the adoption of the law by the Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultay RB Konstantin Tolkachev.
Konstantin Tolkachev noted that the adopted law is aimed primarily at information security on the Internet.
"It includes various aspects, among which there are two the most significant. The first is the safety of minors on the Internet. Children and adolescents are most vulnerable to the influence of various destructive groups that are deploying their activities on the Internet. One example is the so-called death groups, which, unfortunately, have been widely spread in recent times. In Bashkortostan, much attention is paid to the prevention of children suicide. The topic of children's safety on the Internet was taken as one of the key issues at the National Parent Forum held in June", said Konstantin Tolkachev. "The second aspect is countering the spread of extremist materials. The Internet has long been one of the main tools, for the criminal communities, including terrorists. Measures to combat extremists on the Internet are taken around the world. Not so long ago at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Legislators of Russia, I announced the proposals developed by my Commission on Legislative Provision of National Security and Anti-Corruption to introduce innovations in the legislation that would help more effectively to counter extremism, including its promotion on the Internet. The law passed by the State Duma correlates with these our proposals".
Author:Alim Faizov
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