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19 January 2017, 10:50

118 events are included in Ecology Year Plan in Bashkiria

UFA, 19 January 2017. /Bashinform News Agency, Gulfiya Akulova/. A plan of the Year of Ecology announced in Russia and Bashkortostan in 2017 includes 118 events in the field of atmospheric air, water bodies, subsoil, flora and fauna protection, as well as raising environmental awareness. This was reported by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the region Ildar Khadyev at a press conference.
In the area of waste management a transition to a new system of municipal solid waste disposal will be carried out, mercury waste, small power sources, batteries collection system will be developed and implemented, measures to ensure safe handling of medical waste will be elaborated during 2017.
A number of activities are planned for specific enterprises: purchase and installation of incinerators at Tuimazy Oil Pipeline Directorate of JSC "Transneft-Ural", implementation of the landfill reconstruction project in the village of Cherkassy Ufa region, modernization of Bashkir Soda Company production facilities, construction of a number of landfills in Duvan and Blagovar Districts, in Dyurtyuli.
The head of the environmental agency noted an increase in use of biological preparations in agriculture, construction of solar power plants in the republic, restoration of outdoor areas of LLC "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat", construction of a "green" village with innovative technologies in Kushnarenkovo District.
In addition, in 2017, 1 billion 100 million rubles of federal funds and 890 million of republican funds will be allocated to strengthen the White River bank near the Friendship Monument in Ufa.
The federal plan of the Year of Ecology includes a reconstruction of biological treatment facilities of PJSOC Bashneft, Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim, construction of sulfide-alkaline wastewater treatment unit at "Monomer" plant and the "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat" refinery, treatment facilities reconstruction of the main industrial area at "Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat" LLC.
Planting trees, forest clearing campaigns, various agroforestry-improving events throughout the year are also planned. Further state air monitoring will be continued with the use of automatic monitoring stations.
The federal efforts will be focused on activities in the field of specially protected natural territories. Mobile communication will appear this year in the "Iremel" and "Altyn Solok" Nature Parks, the "Kandrykul" Park will be equipped with parking lots and a fire defence wall.
The republic will implement international experience in creation of geoparks in the "Shulgan-Tash" territory and the surrounding natural sites in order to attract tourists and develop recreation.
Author:Gulfiya Akulova
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