4255 people were born in the first month of 2016 in Bashkiria
UFA, 1 March 2016. /Bashinform News Agency, Elmira Sabirova/. In Bashkortostan, according to the press service of the Ministry of Public Health, 4255 people were born in the first month of 2016, 4490 died.
Among the main causes of death in the republic, as well as in Russia, are still diseases of the circulatory system - 44 percent, malignant and benign tumors - 12 percent, as well as accidents, poisonings and traumas - nine percent. These figures were presented by the Deputy Minister of Health RB Elsa Syrtlanova during a conference call with the heads of medical institutions, where topical issues of the sphere were discussed.
Also, the Deputy Minister drew attention to the measures for SARS and influenza prevention. It was noted that currently 461 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) were registered in the republic, of which 222 - were children.
Another theme is medical examination of certain groups of the adult population. In the current year it is planned to examine more than 730 thousand people. In January the first stage of clinical examination was passed by 36 635 people, including 945 - invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War. As a result, the first group of health was identified only in 9600 people (26.2 percent).