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22 October 2015, 18:10

Bashkir doctors plan to create cell technology institute together with their colleagues from Germany

UFA, 22 October 2015. /Bashinform News Agency, Arina Rakhimkulova/. Bashkir doctors together with their German colleagues are planning to create an institute of cell technology. For this purpose one of the leading immunologists of Germany - Kai Deusch came to Ufa. The emergence of such an institution will enable us to more fully and accurately study the human DNA, the press service of the State Assembly RB informs.
Back in February of this year, a new laboratory was opened at Bashkir State Medical University. The laboratory was visited by the Head of Therapy and Immunology Chair, University of Munich Kai Deusch.
It is commonly known side effects of chemotherapy when not only infected but healthy cells are destroyed. Doctors believe that stem cells could be a solution in this case.
"Today we are discussing the technology that will enable us to take up cells before a course of chemotherapy in a patient, grow them, and return to the patient after chemotherapy, so that to decrease complications", said the rector of Bashkir State Medical University, member of the State Assembly of the RB Valentin Pavlov.
In the republic there is a bank of stem cells where more than a hundred patients keep their biological elements. But Bashkir scientists, together with their colleagues from Germany, still have a lot to do in this direction.
Author:Arina Rakhimkulova
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