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22 June 2015, 18:18

Volunteer clean-ups as part of All-Russian campaign are held in Bashkortostan

UFA, 22 June 2015. /Bashinform News Agency, Gulfiya Akulova/. In Bashkortostan volunteer clean-ups as part of the All-Russian campaign "Clean Banks to Our Rivers and Lakes" are held. Garbage collection events will last until mid-July.
Clean-up activities with participation of volunteers will be carried out in more than 30 areas on the banks of the rivers Big and Small Ik, Big and Small Kushelga, Kachevka, Tanovair, Sagyrka, Poshevil, Stepanovsky, Natural Park "Muradymovskoe Gorge", Ufa river, the banks of Pavlovskoe reservoir, Lake Svetloe of Krasnokamsk region and others.
Clean-up near rivers and lakes will be organized in 80 regions of Russia. Everyone can become a curator of the event in his region - the instructions and recommendations are provided after online-registration.
According to estimates of the organizers, more than 20 thousand people will take part in cleaning the area equal to more than six million square metres. Representatives of public organizations, commercial companies, active young people, students of schools, orphanages, workers of ecological centres, just responsible citizens will be participants of the campaign. The "Guardians of Water" - listeners of nationwide eco-lessons about environmental friendliness to water will join the campaign.
As a result of the "Clean Banks to Our Rivers and Lakes" campaign a rating of regions activity will be made under the auspices of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia. Leaders will be determined by the number of local events in the region and the number of clean-ups participants.
The campaign takes place in the framework of the federal target program "Water of Russia" with the organizational support of NGO "Environmental Union".
Author:Gulfiya Akulova
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