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27 August 2014, 11:22

Bashkiria will support "Russian Ecological Clean-Up "Green Russia"

Bashkortostan will support the campaign "Russian Ecological Clean-Up "Green Russia". The event will take place nationwide on August 30; it is aimed at environmental enlightenment, patriotism and environmental culture promotion among children and youth.
As the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology RB informs, the volunteer clean-up will begin at 10.00 in the republic. During the campaign it is planned to clean up the banks of rivers, lakes, areas of the private sector, as well as forests.
The Ministry of Natural Resources RB urges all concerned people to take part in the volunteer clean-up and contribute to the environment protection. To do this, you need to register on the website of the project, indicating the name of your locality and republic.
Hotline of the event: 8-800-555-14-40. The organizers e-mail: [email protected]. The official website - In addition, there is a group in "VKontakte".
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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