news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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29 July 2014, 15:46

100 people more from the south-east of Ukraine arrived in Bashkortostan

The third special flight of the Russian Emergencies Ministry with 101 forced migrants from Ukraine arrived in Ufa International Airport. Among refugees there are 29 children, the press service of the Main Directorate of Emergencies Ministry of Russia in Bashkortostan informs.
Ukrainian citizens were taken to temporary accommodation facilities based at "Rodnik Zdoroviya" health centre. Everybody was provided with hot meals and necessary assistance, including medical and psychological aid. Further people will be placed in temporary accommodation facilities in the city of Blagoveshchensk and in Ilishevsky region.
Also this week, three more special Emergencies Ministry flights are scheduled to arrive. Total it is planned to accomodate about 5,000 citizens forced to leave Ukraine in Bashkortostan.
Author:Gulfiya Akulova
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