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22 July 2014, 12:52

New Internet platform "Yopolis" appeared in Ufa

In Ufa, an agreement was signed to use the Internet platform "Yopolis" for formation and implementation of public initiatives. According to Vladislav Kreinin, the director of the Centre for Public Initiatives Support "Yopolis" this project represents a completely new platform for active residents wishing to make their city better.
"Yopolis" helps initiative people to interact with public authorities, as well as to raise money for useful projects improving, for example, the city's infrastructure”, Vladislav Kreinin said. “Also referendums in favour of this or that project can be held on the platform.”
Foundation for Social Programs and Public Initiatives will act as an operator of "Yopolis" platform in Ufa.
The introduction of the new online platform is supported by the head of the Agency for Press and Mass Media RB Boris Melkoedov.
The "Yopolis" project exists since the end of 2012. With its help the residents of cities in Russia and abroad managed to establish playgrounds in their courtyards, to create parks and recreation areas, as well as to host a variety of cultural events.
Author:Catherine Sokolova
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