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12 May 2014, 11:18

97 percent of the population of Russia will be provided with high speed internet access for 10 years maximum - Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

45 percent of our population lives in small cities and towns, where there is not always high-quality and modern communications available, the Ministry of Communications of Russia informs. Amendments to the law "On Communications" have been developed and adopted to solve this problem that will provide universal connections not only with the help of payphones and public access to the Internet, but also by laying fiber-optic communication lines in all localities over 250 people. As the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov marked "we will solve this problem for 3-5, maximum for 10 years, and thus provide access to high speed Internet for 97 percent of the population of Russia."
Development of information and communication technologies is one of the priorities in Bashkortostan. In 2013, agreements were signed with major mobile operators represented in the republic. 106 mobile base stations were put into operation, cellular communications were modernised or constructed in 43 settlements, 1140 km of fiber -optic communication lines were built, the Agency for Information technologies RB reports.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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