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15 April 2014, 14:26

Bashkiria National park invites to participate in "March for Parks 2014" contests

Bashkiria National Park invites to participate in competitions organized in the upcoming "March for Parks" - the annual festival of specially protected natural areas.
Among them – there is a children's drawing contest "World of Wild Life", which this year is dedicated to the theme of protected waters and their inhabitants. Works will be accepted until May 15.
Another event organized in the framework of the "March for Parks 2014" is a contest of social advertising "Protected areas - national treasure". It is held by the Biodiversity Conservation Centre and is open to sponsorship. Contestants are invited to design a poster on the theme "Protected areas - national treasure". The deadline for works submission is April 30.
In addition, within the framework of environmental event "March for Parks" this year a contest of video reports "Protecting Our Water Basin" will be held. “The essence of the contest is - to clean-up any water basin in your surroundings from garbage, to make way for water flow, make bridges, equip approach to the water, ” specialist in environmental education, tourism and recreation of Bashkiria National Park Zilya Ibatullina considers. The winners will receive certificates and prizes of the National Park.
For more information about the competitions, please visit the website of the National Park.
The "March for Parks" – is an international event in support of specially protected natural areas. It is held in Russia since 1995. The organizer and coordinator of the "March for Parks" is the Biodiversity Conservation Centre in Moscow.
The purpose of the "March for Parks" campaign is attracting attention of authorities, media, business and society to the problems of protected areas, providing them with real practical help, awakening feelings of pride for natural and cultural heritage in the minds of our compatriots.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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