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15 January 2013, 13:09

Amateur producers of Bashkiria can try their hands in “green” cinema

Secretariat of United Nations Forest Forum (UNFF) jointly with the filmfest about wild nature “Jackson Hole” declared the beginning of the first global multimedia project. According to preliminary estimations of its initiators it will unite 200 million people in 193 countries.
The main aim of the shorts filmfest “Forests for People” is to attract public attention to importance of the Earth’s “green lungs”, the site of the news agency “Greenpress” reports.
Any person may become a participant of the project. The amateur producers are offered to tell how forests influence upon people, how they protect and inspire and how they make our life possible.
Duration of a “green” short should be within five minutes and competitors aren’t restricted in choice of technique and can use even cameras of mobile phones. The initiators of the project say that “there’s no need for you to be professional but we want everybody to participate everywhere”.
Contest works are accepted till February 1, 2013, and all what one should do is to place the video on “Withoutabox” site. The jury will choose 15 best shorts, which are to be included into the final stage. The first night of the best five shorts about forests will take place in April 2013 during UNFF meeting in Istanbul.
Author:Galina Bakhshieva
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