Ufa1.ru prepares New Year gifts for children, suffering cancer
The site www.Ufa1.ru and the charity fund “No Losses” launched a New Year action “Wonderful Gift for Sick Kid”. The action will last till December 24.
About 50 kids from oncologic compartment of the Republican hospital have written letters to Father Christmas. Any citizen of the republic can play the role of the last one. It is necessary to choose the best message and to help to make the kid’s dream a reality. All letters can be found in the photo-gallery of the site www.Ufa1.ru.
“About 40 kids lie in the oncologic compartment. They pass complicated medical treatment and lie there for many months. It is easy to catch an infection during chemical therapy, so the kids can’t visit New Year morning performances but all of them need bright emotions, so let’s give these emotions to them” – the director of the fund “No Losses” Radmila Sukacheva said.
On December 25 volunteers of the fund and employees of Ufa1.ru will bring the gifts together with Father Christmas and Snow Maiden to the hospital.
Everybody may join the action and for that one has to talk to the editorial staff. The address is: Ufa, Lenin Street, 70, office 608. Contact phones: (347)276-52-84 and 276-52-93. Asia Arslanova is the person to contact with.