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13 November 2012, 15:55

The team of Bashkir State Pedagogical University has become one of the winners of international ecological contest

The team of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University under the guidance of the doctor of geography, Professor Albert Shakirov has won the third place of the contest “The Quarry Life Award” for the best projects for control of biological variety on mining territories, initiated by German company “Heidelberg Cement”.
Our students have introduced the project “Educational and tourist potential of the open pit Shah-Tau and stable development”, press center of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University reported.
The team of Tula State University has won the first place and students of Voronezh State University – the second.
Prize-winners will be rewarded with solid gratuities and their offers will be recommended for development on mining territories of “Heidelberg Cement”.
Russian flower ceremony has taken place in Tula and the international one is appointed on December in Belgium.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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