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9 November 2012, 14:19

Paul Astakhov has paid visit to choreographic college by Rudolph Nureev in Ufa

The ombudsman for children rights under the President of Russia Paul Astakhov has visited the choreographic college in Ufa to become acquainted with the experience in rearing gifted children. All stages of dancers’ training were demonstrated to him.
“44 kids from many Russian regions study here: many children from Saint-Petersburg and even from Vladivostok, including 11 social orphans, found under our guardianship” – the director of the college Olia Vildanova reported.
“It’s important for me to see here to what extent the college by Rudolph Nureev deserves the name it is called after. You have to continue this work, searching for new talents. We will come back here in spring for participation in the congress of regional ombudsmen for children rights and I think it will be interesting for its participants to watch the performances of the college and to visit it to see how the future stars grow” – the ombudsman stated.
Author:Olga Murtazina
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