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7 November 2012, 13:51

A family tree festival has taken place in Yanaulski region of Bashkortostan

A family tree festival “SHEJERE BAIRAMY” has for the first time taken place in the village Kumovo, Yanaulski region of Bashkiria, the administration of the region reports. The employees of Karmanovski culture home and Kumovo’s club were the initiators of the festival. Together with the elders of Bashkir clans they’ve composed their family trees, opened an exhibition of decorative and applied art and prepared a festive show. The families of Sabiryanovs, Abzalovs and Gabdrakhmanovs have composed their family trees, remembering up to nine generations of their forefathers. The most active representatives of the clans were rewarded with keepsakes.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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