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9 October 2012, 13:36

Round-table discussion re feminine oncology to be held in Ufa

The site will hold a round-table discussion to the topic “Problems of feminine oncology: prophylactics, diagnostics and treatment” on October 10 in Ufa within the period between 11 and 13 o’clock.
In the course of the discussion representatives of various medical institutions of the city will discuss the problems, relating to the age threshold of oncologic diseases among women.
Several years ago breast cancer considered a disease of women of mature age. Today this disease is more and more often discovered among young women. Besides, growth of the number of patients, suffering malignant tumors, is registered all over the world today. Thus, cervical carcinoma stably holds the second place in the list of death rate reasons among women after cardiovascular diseases. Breast cancer stands in Top 5 of oncologic diseases, on which the majority of death cases fall.
Why our women consult doctors so unwillingly? How the present condition of diagnostics of oncologic diseases in the Republic can be estimated? What are the methods of treatment of pre-cancer states and what is the possibility of relapse?
Additional information and registration can be obtained by phones; 8(347) 276-52-84 and 276-52-93.
Author:news agency "Bashinform"
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