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17 July 2012, 12:08

The largest in the country park of dinosaurs has opened in Bashkiria

Dinopark "Dinozavrik" has opened in Abzelilovsky region of the republic on the past days off. This new entertaining centre is considered one of the largest in the country.
In the park located on the bank of picturesque Lake Northern Ulyandy figures of animals from prehistoric epoch are presented, the majority from which are executed full-scale, in the native habitat existing on the Earth million years ago.
All models of dinosaurs emit sounds and can move. Tyrannosaurus, stegosaurus, brachiosaurus and a lot of others, total 28 exhibits. Besides dinosaurs here you can see a four-metre gorilla, camel, giraffe, zebra, and a lion.
Figures are made from ecologically clean materials, they have all necessary certificates thus, they are absolutely safe for visitors.
The park is ideal place for families with children. Additional entertainment of the centre is DinoExspress (a mini-train across the Dinopark). The cosy cafe, restaurant, hotel works here too.
Dinopark will be opened not only in the summer: materials from which dummies of animals are executed are cold-resistant. By the next winter it is planned to start skating and ski run.
I think, this centre becomes one of the main objects of tourist visiting, the Chairman of the State Committee RB on Business and Tourism Ruslan Kinzikeev considers.
The head of department also marked that the project if necessary will get the state support in the frameworks of the long-term target-oriented program of internal tourism operating in the republic.
The first work of Dinopark was estimated by children, more than 400 children from nearby children's camps were invited at the opening.
For all comers the park will be opened early in August.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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