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19 April 2012, 21:32

Charity evening party in support of children, suffering congenital heart disease, has taken place in Ufa

The first charity evening party in support of one-year-old Azalina Gayazova and four-year-old Zlata Gazizova has taken place at the Bashkir State Philharmonic Society on Thursday, April 19. Both girls suffer congenital heart disease and need urgent surgical operation. The evening party was initiated by the charity educational fund “MARHAMAT” and by their colleagues from Moscow – the fund “The Line of Life”. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, the chairman of the fund “MARHAMAT” Gulshat Khamitova, ministers and directors of local agencies, businessmen and parliamentarians came to support sick kids.
“The Line of Life” helps all children of Russia. Since the moment of its foundation the fund has supported more than five thousand sick kids, including 275 kids from Bashkiria. All kids have passed high-tech operations at the Republican cardiology dispensary.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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