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19 August 2011, 15:38

Beloretsk and Sibay will become the centers of inter-municipal medical districts

Within the frames of the program for modernization of health protection system in Republic of Bashkortostan two of nine inter-municipal specialized medical centers, already opened in 2011 and to be opened in 2012, will be located in the towns of Beloretsk and Sibay. Thus, Beloretsk will become the medical center, uniting Abzelilovsky, Beloretsky, Burziansky, Utchalinsky regions and the town of Mejgorie and the center for population of Baimaksky, Zilairsky and Khaibullinsky regions will be located in Sibay.
The press-service of the Ministry of health protection RB reports in this connection the oncological and traumatologic centers will be opened on the base of the central regional clinical hospital in Beloretsk in the nearest future. The opening of the primary cardiovascular 60-bed center and traumatologic and perinatal centers is planned in Sibay.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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