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22 July 2011, 16:52

The Center of Crisis Pregnancy to be established in Tuimazy

The Center of Crisis Pregnancy will be established in the town of Tuimazy, Bashkortostan. It became possible thanks to the contest of the regional social projects “Protection of Family, Motherhood and Childhood”, initiated by the Synodal Dept for charity and social services. 14 projects from Russian regions received the goal-oriented funding for the overall sum of 15 million rubles.
The project of the local religious organization – the Christian congregation under the Saint Andrew Church in the town of Tuimazy – has become one of the winners. It is planned that one million rubles will be allocated for establishment of the Center of Crisis Pregnancy (The Center for Motherhood Protection under Ufa Eparchy).
It is expected the Center will help the women, found under the choice – keeping a child or not. The Center will be meant for a long-term staying (during several months) of three-five women and it is planned as a long-term project.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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