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26 January 2011, 15:57

Volga federal district’s ministers of education learn the activity of education institutions RB

Within the frames of the meeting of Volga federal district’s heads of executive power bodies, working in education sphere, held in Ufa on January 26, the ministers of education learn the Republican experience on work with gifted children.
The participants of the meeting visited several innovational schools, including the Republican gymnasium by Gaziz Almukhametov, where more than 340 pupils studied for today, including the children fr om other Russian regions. The guests were told that along with the general education program the program of additional musical education is offered to the pupils.
The Bashkir Republican gymnasium by Rami Garipov has become the next object. Here the experimental site to the theme “Formation of a pedagogue, working with gifted children” is opened and the teachers work in accordance with the author programs “Man and the world”, “Comparative anatomy, morphology, ecology of plants and animals”, “English without frontiers” and “Solution of the high complicated tasks in physics”. More than 670 pupils from all regions and towns RB as well as from other Russian regions study here.
The officials also visited the Republican art gymnasium by Kasim Davletkildeev and the oldest in Ufa gymnasium N3 by Gorky, which has celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2010. This school is included into the federal register of the all-Russian Honor Book as the best education institution in Russia. In 2009 the gymnasium was certified as the official Associated UNESCO School. In 2010 it has become a member of the international community of innovational education institutions “INTERKIND” and actively cooperates with the Republican organization “French Alliance”. 1360 pupils study at the gymnasium and they deeply study English, French and German languages and the classes of physical-mathematical, chemical-biological and humanitarian profiles successfully work here.
In completion the ministers of education visited the Bashkir State Pedagogical University by M. Akmullah, wh ere became acquainted with work of the information-education portal RB and with the experience of the University in interaction with other education institutions on backing of talented and gifted children.
The conference “Development of the regional education system on support of talented and gifted children within the frames of the national educational initiative “Our New School” will be held in the Congress-Hall in the second half of the day with participation of the President of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov, the Minister of education and science of Russia Andre Fursenko and the advisor of the Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in Volga federal district Alexander Shkolnik.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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