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28 December 2010, 20:08

Union of Young Scientists searches for talents

The Days of young scientists are held in Ufa. “Our key aim is to raise the prestige of scientific professions” – the deputy chairman of the Russian Union of Young Scientists regional division in Bashkiria Alia Garipova mentioned – “and such actions, uniting young scientists fr om various research and higher education institutes, contribute to realization of joint scientific projects”.
Young people are actively involved in science today but the scientific community of the country still faces too many unsolved problems and in this connection the Union of Young Scientists worked up the recommendations, addressed to the public and business structures RB, to the Republican institutes and youth public communities. Stimulating activity of young scientists the Republican institutes find the opportunities to encourage their initiatives, including gratuities.
“Real talents often have no time for participating in various conferences and seminars” – the head of the federal scientific-research innovational programs under the regional division of the Russian Union of Young Scientists in Bashkiria Natalie Kuramshina says – “So our aim is search for the people, really infatuated with science”.
The special seminar, in the course of which its participants learn special scholarship programs and grants, will take place tomorrow and the conference, wh ere the prospects of youth science development in Bashkortostan are to be discussed, will become the final action of the Days.
Author:Rufina Khannanova
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