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27 December 2010, 15:58

Ufa’s pupils meet the New Year with the pedagogues from the USA

The pupils fr om the Ufa’s Bashkir gymnasium N20 by F. Mustafina prepared rather unusual New Year program for themselves. They decided to celebrate the New Year-2011 together with their pedagogues of English language from the USA at the American-Bashkir inter-college. They were speaking English all the time, spent together.
Earlier they’ve visited the New Year show at the Bashkir State Theater of opera and ballet, wh ere they were watching the performance “The Musicians from Bremen”. The pedagogues from the inter-college helped them to prepare the libretto to the performance also only in English. Being at the theater the pupils have visited the museum of the famous ballet-dancer Rudolph Nureev.
The inter-college reports all pupils are the participants of the international educational humanitarian program “Access”, oriented to development of spoken skills in English language. This unique program is realized in Ufa with the assistance of the English language office under the US Embassy in Russia and the Ministry of education RB. It is planned all pupils will complete the program already in January 2011 and will be provided with the corresponding international certificates from the US Ambassador in Russia M-r John Biyearly.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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