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10 December 2010, 14:43

Bashkir teachers may figure on 18%-raise in 2011

In 2011 the teachers of Bashkiria may figure on the 18%-raise, the deputy Minister of education RB Vladimir Aristarkhov reported on Friday during the meeting of the chairman of the State Council RB Constantine Tolkatchev with the teachers – the deputies of the municipal representative bodies. According to him the rise of the teachers’ wages is also planned in 2012 and 2013 in such rates that for three years the level of their incomes should increase by one and a half times.
“Socially oriented policy will allow improving the welfare standards of our pedagogues” – Vladimir Aristarkhov said – “Housing conditions for young teachers will also become better. The Republican budget expected to allocate about 17 million rubles in 2011, more than 30 million in 2012 and more than 50 million rubles in 2013”.
As M-r Aristarkhov also mentioned, a new system of grants is designed for social support of young pedagogues in Bashkiria.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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