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3 December 2010, 12:01

Bashkir women offer to open domestic kindergartens

The Union of Women RB offers to develop the system of domestic kindergartens like it is done in Penza region now.
“In this region the parents, whose children face the shortage of vacant places in local kindergartens, receive compensations at the rate slightly more than three thousand rubles” – the chairman of the Union of Women RB Rashida Sultanova tells – “These means can be used for organization of small domestic kindergartens and our Republic should follow this example. About 50 thousand families stand in the queue to the Republican kindergartens today and this shortage of places often forces the parents to refuse fr om one more child birth, lim iting themselves with just one kid in the family”.
According to Rashida Sultanova Bashkir authorities can find many other positive examples on improvement of the demographic situation in Penza region – for example, this is the payment of the special grant when giving birth to the third child in a family at the rate of 100 thousand rubles and 200 thousand –in case the fourth child is born.
Author:Rasul Hamidullin
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