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26 November 2010, 11:50

Charitable action “We for Life” has taken place in Population Employment Center of Ufa

The charitable action “We for Life” has taken place in the Ufa’s Population Employment Center.
“The goal of the charitable project “We for Life”, launched on June 1, 2010, is the precise actions of indifferent people and organizations in the striving for uniting their efforts in order to render assistance to those, who really need this help” – the project’s curator and the director of the non-commercial charitable organization “BASHINTERCONTACT” under the Bashkir regional division of the all-Russian Invalids Society Lilia Kuchimova said.
Within the frames of the action the Employment Center opened the fair of work vacancies for people with disabilities and more than 20 enterprises offered their vacant workplaces to these people.
The exhibition of artistic works of the children-invalids was opened especially for participants and guests of the fair – ceramics, embroidery and artistic works, made in “batik” style. Besides, free clothes were distributed among all needy people.
The action was supported by the Republican center for AIDS prevention and struggle, Ufa Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the Union of Painters RB, “Russian Radio”, the publishing house “White River” and Ufa gymnasium N39.
Author:Irene Bakke
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