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15 November 2010, 15:07

Foster family from Bashkiria is marked at the all-Russian assembly of foster families

The foster family of Altynovs from the village Inzer, Beloretsky region of Bashkortostan, has won the second place in the nomination “Amateur art activity” within the frames of the all-Russian assembly of foster families, held in Moscow region.
It should be noted that the family of Altynovs is the winner of the Republican contest of foster and patronage families-2009. They have seven children, including four adopted. Their own daughters live independently with their own families. The eldest adopted son of the couple is 16 and the youngest is six.
17 Russian families have taken part in the assembly in a whole. This contest is held every year within the frames of the federal goal-oriented program “The Children of Russia” and the goal of this action is popularization of the family values, formation of the positive image of foster families, consolidation of the traditions of joint art of parents and children and popularization of the experience of education for the children, left without parental care.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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