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12 November 2010, 17:53

An IT Academy to be established in Bashkiria jointly with Microsoft

The agreement concerning the establishment of an IT Academy on the base of several Bashkir institutes has been reached in the course of negotiations on November 12 between the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov and the President of the company “Microsoft” in Russia Nikolai Pryanishnikov. “Bashkortostan possesses rather substantial intellectual potential and several well-equipped institutes, which opportunities aren’t yet exploited in full measure. These higher education institutions can become good sites for launching the joint project on establishment of an IT Academy in the Republic” – Rustem Khamitov stated.
The President of “Microsoft” in Russia has visited Bashkortostan for the first time. He supports the idea to establish an IT Academy in Ufa and says the Republic possesses high potential for development of education institutions and real sector of economics as well.
“Our company is ready to render assistance to development of IT introduction in various spheres of activity and we are ready to take part in the project on establishment of e-Government, implementing our IT-designs in business and social sphere” – Nikolai Pryanishnikov stated.
The signing of the cooperation agreement between Republic of Bashkortostan and “Microsoft” is scheduled in the nearest future. The document will become a part of the global program on IT development in the region, the public affairs service of the President RB reports.
Author:news agency "Bashinform"
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