news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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10 November 2010, 11:47

No cases of flu is registered in Bashkiria

For the last week 10,9 thousand people have fallen sick of flu in the Republic and children at the age less than 14 made up 69,5% of this figure. According to information of the Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights in RB no cases of flu have been registered. The sickness rate has reduced by 30,2%. The epidemiologists report the sickness rate with the acute respiratory diseases in Ufa is lower than the epidemic threshold by 56,8%.
By November 8 738 thousand people were inoculated against flu- 18,2% of the Republican population.
“About 29% of the Republican citizens have been inoculated on this date in 2009” – the deputy head of the epidemiologic supervision dept Zukhra Sharipova comments the course of immunization – “Now we’re watching no prerequisites to the growth of the sickness rate, so it is necessary to start making inoculations against seasonal flu now”.
It should be noted that the children in kindergartens, pupils, students, medics, pedagogues, people, suffering from the chronic diseases and elderly persons will be inoculated free in 2010. These inoculations are paid from the federal exchequer. At present time 693,7 thousand people, including 253,7 thousand kids have already been vaccinated free. In a whole about 800 thousand doses of the anti-flu vaccine will be free and 44,3 thousand people were vaccinated due to the additional sources of financing.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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