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2 November 2010, 17:28

Medics urge everybody to be inoculated against flu

The medics of the Ufa emergency care station urge all citizens to inoculate themselves against flu in time, since it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it.
Preparations for the flu season at the Ufa emergency care station started already in October: 80% of its employees and drivers are inoculated at present moment, the PR-officer of the station Olesya Osadchaya reported to “Bashinform”.
“We can say with assurance that within the period of the seasonal flu sickness rate the lines of our medics won’t thin out and our activity will remain as efficient as always” – she said – “And we’d like the example of our medics will serve the incentive for all citizens of Ufa, who aren’t yet inoculated against flu”.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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