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15 October 2010, 15:53

40,8% of Russians say for the last year the level of corruption in the country hasn’t changed

The Bashkir division of Russian Ministry of justice published the data of the anonymous survey concerning the efficiency of the undertaken anti-corruption measures in the Republic. 800 people have taken part in the poll.
According to the results of the survey 40,8% of the interrogated people say the level of corruption in the Russian regions hasn’t changed for the better, 27,2% say the corruption level is just growing and only 11% are agree the level of corruption is coming down.
The majority of the interrogated say the most efficient anti-corruption measures are:
1. Introduction of modern technologies in the sphere of public services, including the “one window” system, e-government and specialized internet sites (23,8%);
2. The approval of the normative-legal acts, aimed at struggle with corruption (22,3%);
3. Presentation of the qualification requirements to the citizens, pretending to the state and municipal posts and obligatory check-up of the information, introduced by the officials (15,7%);
4. Presentation of the certain restrictions for state employees in the form of furnishing information (including wives and minors) (15,2%).
At that 13,4% agree that neither of the undertaken anti-corruption measures can be called really efficient.
The interrogated indicated the local self-government bodies and authority as the most corrupted (51,9%); law-enforcement bodies (36,5%); the judicial system (17,8%); the education system (17,4%); health protection (16,6%) and other spheres (39,5%).
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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