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7 October 2010, 17:21

Bashkiria will form a new image

For the last months the life in the Republic noticeably changed. It is becoming more dynamic, modern and interesting and the necessity in new and more attractive image of Bashkortostan became ripe.
For this purpose the interregional conference “Territorial marketing as the most important factor in development of the regions in the XXI century” will take place in Ufa on October 15 and it will become the first step in formation of an integrated policy in sphere of marketing of the Bashkir territory.
The heads of the companies, responsible for marketing policy on the territories of Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, Ufa’s marketing and PR specialists and heads of the authority RB are invited.
The most experienced expert in sphere of territorial marketing Denis Vizgalov, the head of the projects of the fund “The Institute of urban economics”, candidate of geographical sciences is considered one of the most important participants of the conference. Other well-known scientists of Russia are also invited.
The invitees will take the floor with the reports, in which they tell about their experience in sphere of territorial marketing, its peculiarities in our country, about the questions, which should be solved in the first turn, and about complexities, concerned with them.
The correct presentation of the region and its strong sides, properly organized informational policy and its active position in relations with the outer world raise the region’s competitive ability and that directly influences upon the prosperity of all people, living and working in the region.
But for that it is necessary for the region to advance itself step-by-step, using the technologies of the territorial marketing and this necessity is considered the axiom in many states. The whole countries, their regions and separate cities actively advance themselves. Thanks to the territorial marketing the profitable for this or that region stereotypes and opinions are fixed in the society, like “Turkey means good rest near the sea, available for everybody” or “Paris is the city of romantics and high art”, “Saint-Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia” etc.
Bashkortostan possesses several advantages, able to form the base of its new future image: very convenient geographical position, developed infrastructure, the unique tourist and sanatorium-and-spa zones, cultural-national variety etc. but in order all these advantages become the peculiar features, creating recognizable and maximally attractive image, the active marketing of the whole Republic is necessary.
The participants of the conference believe the active marketing can attract the attention of new investors to our Republic, though it looks at first glance that attraction of investments to this or that regions is a quite simple procedure – it is enough to provide them with quite comfortable conditions and that’s all but the modern world is more complicated and information and its management are of paramount importance in it. Without properly organized informational policy one wouldn’t be able to get to know the conditions, available in the region and this news can be lost among other similar offers. One more variant is that the investor is satisfied with the conditions but the reputation of the region causes certain doubts and the investor refuses from funding, since he doesn’t want to take the unreasonable chances. In any of the abovementioned situations the region, striving for consolidation and replenishment of its prosperity, becomes the gainer.
The territorial marketing represents the way and the method to solve all these problems.
Author:Svetlana Gafurova
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