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5 October 2010, 16:40

Presentation of the book “The way of Achmed ibn-Fadlan” to be held in the National Library

The Institute of historical and legal education under the Bashkir State Pedagogical University jointly with the Bashkir publishing house “KITAP” holds the presentation of the well-known archeologist and historian Vladimir Ivanov “The way of Achmed ibn-Fadlan” on October 6, Wednesday at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University.
The book covers the events of the X century, concerned with the embassy, sent by the caliph al-Muktadir fr om Bagdad to Volga Bulgaria with the purpose to establish the military-political alliance between the caliphate of Abbasides and Volga Bulgaria. The embassy’s secretary Achmed ibn-Fadlan composed the notes, wh ere he described in details their route and the nations, which lands the ambassadors from Bagdad passed. These notes are by right considered the invaluable source on history and culture of Ural-Volga nations in the period of the Middle Ages.
Author:Alim Faizov
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